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Preparing for IVF

Cleanse, Nurture and Nourish to prepare for IVF

World Wide, Abdominal Therapy is being used to prepare for conception

Cleansing the Uterus is such an important role of Abdominal Therapy.

Left over residue from previous menses (which is very common) hardens on the wall of the uterus, creating an uninviting environment for a newly fertilized egg. Maya helps to remove this old residue and combined with things like a Vaginal/Yoni Steam bath or Castor Oil Pack, this residue is very easy to release.

Maya Abdominal Therapy cleanses the whole pelvic area of toxins and excess hormones by increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage. The liver is also stimulated and its ability to remove unwanted toxins from the body by the introduction of fresh oxygenated blood to it. The same goes for the kidneys and bladder.

Nurture the Uterus with Maya Abdominal Therapy.

With improved blood flow, comes healthy organs. The uterine wall softens and thickens and becomes a luscious and inviting home for your fertilized egg.

The organs are lifted back into their natural and proper position inside the abdomen, ideal for conceiving, carrying and supporting a healthy baby.

Nourish your Uterus.

All that increased blood flow brings with it all the nutrients and oxygen your body needs to build a healthy supply for a healthy baby. Your uterus has become a place of nourishment and safety for your baby. Your ligaments are now nourished and strong enough to support a uterus carrying a baby. All of this leads to an easier conception, pregnancy, birth and recovery.

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